AQG at Brussels Pride


Let’s get something straight: we’re not protesting PRIDE, we’re turning it back into one! PRIDE used to be a fight for liberation, for justice, for opportunities, for acknowledgement. Those who think these times are long gone and we have nothing left to fight for (so we should just shut the fuck up, be thankful and celebrate): check your privileged bubble! Those who are painfully aware, but have no clue what to do: start believing in the power of collective action and just DIY – you are the future! #NoGuiltTrip #WakeUpCall

If you think the rainbow ranking of the ILGA suffices and any further action is nothing more than a call for attention, what about the…

  • feelings of depression and suicidal tendencies (often because of anxiety and heightened stress in public places, schools and working environments)?
  • cultural or religious backgrounds that create a void between right-wing policies (deportations, hysterical prejudices) and conservative communities (machismo)?
  • heavy drug usage in the party scene (which the war on drugs is making worse)?
  • poverty at old age as well as among the young who escape their parental homes?
  • normalization of sexual abuse (especially between gay men)?
  • increase of non-HIV STD’s (for which PrEP and PEP are not a solution)?
  • reduction of our identities into sexual orientation and gender (for which we sometimes have ourselves to blame) and being scorned for it?

    Not only LGBT+ people experience these things, but we do are extra vulnerable for it, just like (among others) people of color, the poor, women and the elderly. We thus ask for queer solidarity, not rainbow capitalism, which we believe is the cause of many of the previous issues. Our parade today seems to have become a consumerist fair, so we want to emphasize PRIDE, not proft! Where is our presence on other, non-LGBT+ related manifestations? Will we celebrate Eurovision in the apartheid nation Israel?

    While this is happening, political parties use our PRIDE to bait us into voting for them under the pretext of being an ally. Many LGBT+ people have spent so much time and energy in policy and legal changes (“Your Local Power” is just a pinkwashed pick-up line for the forthcoming elections!), but the result has been an assimilation into the standards of what is considered to be normal by white, cis men and conservative, christian values. We feel left out. We feel unwelcome. But we won’t stand for this. We reclaim our place at PRIDE and that’s why we are here, shouting PRIDE is a riot! We want to continue what Marsha and Sylvia fought for, whilst playfully provoking the popo’s machismo.

    Being queer is about being (able to be) yourself and standing with the bullied, marginalized and oppressed. It’s raising your fist and fighting patriarchy, capitalism, ableism, racism, fascism, ageism and all structures of oppression: the “normal”.

    We’re not here to offend, unless you want to be offended. We’re here to celebrate and be aware of our own privilege at the same time. We are not thanking the multinationals and political parties, we’re thanking the volunteers and non-profit organizers who pressure them into making change happen. So now, let’s party!